
Becoming a Member

The Salam Community Center is ideal for families and individuals of all ages. Our programs and services are designed to provide a safe and healthy environment for members and their distinguished guests to enjoy and relax

  • A membership in Salam Community Center shall be open to Iraqi-Canadians and Iraqi
    permanent residents in Canada as governed by the center’s bylaws.
  • Eligible applicants for membership in the Salam Community Center shall become members if nominated by a member of the Salam Community Center and seconded by a member of the Board of Directors and obtaining a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors. Voting shall be taken by secret ballot. Decisions taken by the Board of Directors with respect to applicants for membership shall be binding and the Board of Directors shall be under no obligation to give reasons for rejecting any applicant.
  • Unmarried immediate relatives of a member of the Salam Community Center, who are twenty-five years of age or older and residing at the same address as the member may apply to become a member in accordance with eligibility requirements, and the procedure set out. Any unmarried immediate relative accepted into membership in the Salam Community Center shall pay fifty per cent of the regular annual membership.
  • The grace period for the settlement of annual membership ends on September 30 of each year. Any Member who fails to pay annual membership fees by the end of the grace period shall be subject to pay additional $50. Should members fail to pay their membership fees by the end of December they deem to have resigned from the Salam Community Center.
  • Members may request their membership to be frozen, however, 30% of the annual fee will be required to be paid for each year in which the membership is frozen to maintain the full membership status.
DISCLAIMER: Note the bylaws of this club which need to be read carefully before applying for a membership