- Engage our youth in developing and promoting programs that will attract younger generations to join the community.
- Diversify our activities.
- Secure Funding to sustain current and future requirements through:
- Programs and Events
- Increase membership
- Work on attracting our members and others to to participate in our social events
- Continuous maintenance and upgrade to ur main hall to atract people to use our premises in the small medium size gathering /celebrations
- Fund raising activities, Bazzars, exhibitions and cultural events.
- To source governmental and non governmental funding to help our community’s new comers to merge with the Canadian cutler as well as providing variety of educational programs to our new generations and dedicated programs for our seniors
- Membership
- Guests and social activities
- Premise rental for members and business social events
- Donations Community members and sponsors.
- Government funding
- To develop our center relationship with other communities and create different activities Sport /parties etc…
- To Bring our kitchen services to meet our committee satisfaction for inhouse services as well as catering.